The quad needed new battery, and I'm preparing for the maple syrup season, so I picked up a new battery at the farm supply store. Its a fairly common battery, and most stores stock this one.
The battery comes dry, that is, there is no battery acid in the battery. It comes in a separate container. This makes it easier to ship and store, I imagine. Car batteries usually come filled and sealed, and they are charged already, not the case with smaller engine batteries like this.
Pretty straightforward process, the important caution here is to wear gloves and eye protection. You don't want battery acid on your hands or in your eyes. And its easy get a few drops of this in the wrong place. Learn from me...
Follow the instructions that come with the battery, but the general steps are to take off the caps of the battery cells, fill the cells with acid to the level indicated, and charge the battery, usually overnight.
Save the red caps, you will replace those. The instructions that came with this battery were vague about that. I used a low amperage smart charger and this battery was ready the next morning for installation.
I use the smart charger to charge up dead car and small engine batteries. To keep this battery at full charge but not wear it out prematurely, I'm thinking about a solar powered trickle charger. One less thing to plug in and have running all the time.