As the temperature drops here and we move into fall, what do I start thinking about? Outdoor shower plans, of course. Here are some photos of an outdoor shower a friend of mine built at his house.
(also see the neat DIY wood stove tile floor protector they built, link at end of this post)

a simple stone floor works. note the low tech valves.
The walls are slatted cedar I believe, which you can buy, or perhaps salvage from someone residing their old house. The floor is a few flat stones found in the woods. The shower valves are simple to assemble. you may be able to find a utility sink valve setup that may work, or just solder two valves with a T for the shower head. I would not use PVC or PEX for this.
it doesn't have to be fancy
Most important is that the outdoor shower has cut off valves inside the house where you can turn off the flow of water to the outside shower and drain the water that is in the shower pipes. If you don't drain the pipes, the water will freeze and burst the pipes. Not a good thing.
door handle of found wood
See the neat DIY wood stove floor protector here.
Eric J.
I LOVE this idea. I have been wanting to do this for quite some time. There is only one problem I house to do it at. I can almost guarantee that when I do own a house this will be a nice little project for myself.
Eric J.
So I have seen one that is an old oil pipe (3 feet in dia.) cut in half with a rain shower head on it. It had no walls due to the fact that the whole house, garage, and everything was surrounded by trees and fields. So it was kind of green as they used a recycled product.
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Why do you not recommend using PEX?
Eric Gunnar Rochow
i like the rigidity of copper pipe, especially for an outdoor install like this. and it looks nicer, PEX doesn't look great to the eye, its better off behind a wall.