How do you cut down a tree with a chain saw? Watch this GardenFork video. Watch us cut down a tree with a chainsaw safely. Be very careful when using a chainsaw or tree felling, if you don't know what you are doing, hire a professional.
Tree felling like this is pretty straightforward, there were no houses nearby, and the tree was already leaning the way we wanted it to drop. The wedge cut was fairly shallow, and the back cut was a bit off, it should have been a more straight cut just above the wedge cut.
Going forward, we will be using more plastic wedges, which are driven into the back cut as the cut goes deeper into the tree. The wedges keep the tree from binding the saw, and help to push it in the direction you want it to drop. Do not use metal wedges. The metal wedges can damage the chain of your chain saw if they come into contact with each other.
And again, safety is paramount here, watch all our how to chainsaw safely videos here. Chain saw chaps are a must, I recently saved my leg from a nasty cut from the chainsaw because I had chainsaw chaps on. The chaps have a material in them that will bind the saw if the saw tears open the chaps, which are protecting your legs.
I use an all in one helmet that has a face shield and ear protection, plus i wear steel toed boots, long sleeves, and gloves. Be Careful OK?
Click here to watch all our chainsaw vids and related posts here
Let me know any questions or comments below:
Tonia Moxley
Sounds like your chain was dull. 🙂
Hi Eric
I know you had a lot of fun doing that and all in all it was not a bad job for a non professional. I am a professional and have an important piece of advice to you and your viewers.
Even though the tree you cut(cherry) is a very hardwood it should not have mattered much if your chainsaw was sharp. Just watching the video I could see that the saw was dull and in desperate need of a good professional sharpening. I suggest making that a priority to anyone using a chainsaw.
I know you're not a chef but I bet you still sharpen your knives in the kitchen when you cook and know it is easier to cut yourself with a dull knife vs a sharp one. That concept is compounded when you attach an engine to your cutting edge. Believe me when I tell you that you add significantly to the chances of injury with a tool that I and many consider to be the most dangerous homeowner tool there is,the chainsaw.
With a sharp chainsaw , Just like a knife the saw will do the work and you won't have to lean into the chainsaw to make it cut, it will do so with much less effort and be much less tiring at the end of the day.
Stay safe everbody
Eric Gunnar Rochow
thanks for your thoughts on this. i appreciate the insight of the expert, which i am not.
the weird thing is, i just had the chains sharpened at the local shop, and while i was cutting i could see there were big shavings coming out of the saw.
i could see while editing , mbe because of the backlight of the sun, that plume of small dust stuff in the video.
is it possible for the chain to throw off big and small stuff at the same time?
i usually use a larger Stihl for cutting the tree, but the pull cord broke on that one just as we got started.
thx, eric.
What do you do for a living besides making
Assurance Trees Newcastle
Good job on that cut! Though the technique can be improved but he handled that chainsaw really well. Also good tip suggesting chainsaw chaps. Most people don't bother themselves with one. Like what the article says, you can avoid having unnecessary injuries by wearing one. It's a good investment.
For those who do not know, chainsaw chaps are the red things attached to his leg.