106 bags of leaves
You can hear the discussion I had with Eric on "Tom Sawyer Composting" here on Gardenfork Radio.
Here's the leaf composting bin I created just yesterday. 106 bags of leaves (mostly 30 gal. bags) gathered from around my neighborhood, shredded with a mower. Add a bit of high nitrogen fertilizer before the rains this evening and it will be cooking by morning.
If I'd had the time, I'd have been able to build 3 more yesterday, based on the number of bags at the curb in my neighborhood. They'll all go to the dump today.
Pity. All that good nitrogen and carbon going to waste in the dump.
Don't Dump me, Bro'.
(and yes, I garden and compost in the front yard. That's the edge of my winter garden to the right of the compost.)
BTW, heard a great podcast on composting from Ken Druse on Real Dirt. The expert recommended wetting the leaves with 5 gals of water to 1 cup of soap, to break the surface tension and get past the waxy coating. Also, a cup of high nitrogen fertilizer, just to get it started.