We pulled the inner cover on our biggest hive, and it was not easy this time. The honeybees had sealed it pretty tight with propopolis, a waxy resin that bees collect from trees.

bees seal shut the inner cover with this waxy resin

this stuff makes it take some work to open the top of the hive
expect an early, cold winter ... we have even noticed the loons congregating earlier, and every plum has been scavaged by the wildlife at the cabin .... all signs of an early frost.
Hey Eric
I actually cut a sheet of lino (i think your guys call it vinyl flooring) to put into the top super to help the bees retain the heat in the box, this also doubles as kind of like a barrier to bur comb on the inner lid or it getting stuck down with propopolis and it prevents water dripping on the bees if condensation forms inside the inner cover / lid.
I cut it to cover out to the middle of the frames on both sides.
Give it a try and let me know what you think
Eric Gunnar Rochow
scott, how does the lino keep water from dripping on the bees. wouldn't water condense on the lino itself? is the lino sitting on top of the frames of the upper box? thx, eric.