One of my best friends drove over from NY state yesterday and arrived with a bag full of interesting mushrooms. He and his wife have become quite adept at finding Morels and Oyster mushrooms.
He had found these near their house, down the road a mile or so, and stopped to pick a few.

Chicken Mushrooms
We brought them into the house and I pulled out my mushroom books. We found the mushroom, identified as the Chicken Mushroom ( Laetiporus sulphureus ), in my favorite book, The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms.
But to make sure we knew what this was, we cross checked with our other mushroom books, and confirmed that the mushrooms were indeed Chicken Mushrooms.
Always make sure you know exactly what you are doing with mushrooms found in the woods, if you're not sure, don't eat them, OK?
Considered Choice Edible by the Audubon Guide, we first simmered them in salt water, as suggested online, and then sauted them with a little butter. They were quite good. Not amazing, but good enough that we will pick these again and add to a meal.
What fun mushroom or wild food finds have you found lately? let us know below:
a quick simmer in salt water was suggested
Sauteed in Butter, yum.