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Nicole and I talk about how we moved 50 blocks north in Brooklyn. We wanted to be closer to Prospect Park and to downsize to a small ground floor apartment.
“We're gonna talk about how to sell your house without a real estate agent. Hello, nicole.
Hey, I'm so excited to talk about this. This is fabulous.
So this has been over a year in the making, and I get very superstitious about talking about things that might happen in the future, or I'm going to do this next week. I don't talk about it till it happens. This was hard for me because I've been working on it for over a year.
Actually, almost a year and a half now. I couldn't really make any videos about it or talk about it on the show here, so I just wanted to do a brain dump on everyone about what I've been up to. nicole, you're the perfect interviewer for this, I think.
I'm excited for it. Well, behind the scenes have been like, okay, so when can we talk about this?
I did tell nicole and I told Erin and Will as just to keep them along for the ride, the back channel as we call it, Mr. Fireworks. We used to live in a neighborhood called Park Slope in Brooklyn. My wife and I both lived here...
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