oil skin with olive oil, salt & pepper if you want
Here we show you how to roast a turkey on a grill. we are using the charcoal method of cooking a turkey on a grill. the photos here will show you how to make your turkey tasted great on the grill.
add a meat thermometer
prep your charcoal burning grill, ours also has a propane lighter
light off and gray up 30 briquettes
divide, 15 per side
add a drip pan between the coals and add the grill
add the turkey (this is our T-Day bird, an heritage breed, Bourbon Red)
vents full open, top and bottom. start your timer: 1 hour intervals
relax. best of all, the turkey is out of the kitchen
every hour add 8 briquettes to each side. it usually takes 3 - 4 hours of cooking
Sydney naps in the ginger lilies near the grill, visions of turkey dance in her head. (obligatory GF dog pix)
A great bird roasted on the grill
What would be the proper way to direct grill on an old smokey? It’s a jumbo. Trying to perfect it the best way I can.