Homemade Sweet Potato Dog Treats Recipe in this how-to video. We've bought sweet potato dog chews from the store, and they are expensive. Prompted by a GF viewer who sent us some sweet potato dog biscuits, we decided to try and make these.
The Labradors Love Sweet Potato Dog Treats

Charlie Pup Loves These
As you can see in the video, our dogs love the chews, and they were easy to make. I'm thinking you can also use an oven to dry the potato chews, a convection oven would do very well.
A couple of thoughts about making dog treats here. Be very careful with the knife, don't use a dull knife. You can also use the side of a box grater, if it has a slicer on it. Or use a mandolin, but again be careful.
We did not peel the potatoes, and did not use any sweet potatoes that had started to get mushy. Firm good looking potatoes only.
There were several reasons for making the home made dog treats. First was just how expensive the sweet potato dog treats cost in the store. A bag of them goes quickly, and so does your money. Second was the concerns about food safety in general, and a few things we've read about dog treats from other countries being made with unsafe ingredients. I don't understand people who do things like that, but it happens more often than it should. Homemade food, to me, is just plain safer.
We liked the dog treats that we sprayed with vegetable oil, they were a bit more leather like, not as crisp and hard, but its a judgement call on your part.
We have more dog treat recipe video here on the site, click here to watch them. This is our first potato based dog treat, but i'm sure we'll do more of them as we go along. Let us know your dog treat ideas in the comment section.
Sweet Potato Dog Treats Recipe
• 2 sweet potatoes
• 1 can vegetable oil spray
Cooking Directions
1. Slice the raw sweet potatoes into dog treats. You can either do round discs by cutting from the end of the potato, or cut long slices. I slice them ¼\" thick.
2. Lightly spray both sides of sweet potato with vegetable oil.
3. Put in dehydrator for 24 hours. Rotate the racks halfway through for even drying.
4. Keep in zipper plastic bags.
Good vid. We don't have a dehydrator, but the "keep warm" setting on our oven works okay, sorta. Still cooks them more than dehydrate.
cheri jones
It,s my first time I have 3 English bulldogs all girls. so I stared watching videos and so Iam making treats from your video thank you. cheri jones. and know iam making there food to. I love your video.
I do it in the oven as well -- takes about 5 hours. Use the lowest oven temp and test them to be sure they are fully dried if you intend to store them for a while
Cheri Hentschel
I just made these a couple days ago in the oven. Right around 200 degrees for a couple hours or so (I forgot to pay attention to the time). Anyway, my dog goes absolutely bananas over these treats! She's never been this crazy about any treat before. Thanks for the idea!
Eric Gunnar Rochow
good to hear about using the oven, i have to check that out on our oven to see how the dog treat recipe works. thx! eric.
stephen delaney
another great show. I borrowed my sister's food dehydrator the next day and picked up some sweet potatoes. I went online and found some great beef jerky recipes, something I'd always wanted try, and it turned out wonderful. I don't think she's getting her dehydrator back. So, thanks Eric for "making" me try something new!
Eric Gunnar Rochow
that's great stephen, you might want to let your sister know about the dehydrator though! eric.
stephen delaney
she'll figure it out eventually. have you ever made jerkey? I've been experimenting with different recipes as well as different cuts of beef. I find a flank to be not too expensive a cut and still produces a tasty treat. (note for dog owners, beef jerky makes a great treat, but don't marinate the cuts in anything for them)
Happy V-day to Mr & Mrs Camera Operator
Eric Gunnar Rochow
thanks Stephen, we have yet to try to make jerky, but its on the to-do list! eric.
Any problems with the labradors and ticks? \
Oh by the way love your great info on many subjects.
Will give the dog treats a try 🙂