Comments and questions: 860-740-6938 call us! Mike and Eric talk about thundersnow, bicycle seat height adjustment, the vernal equinox, how to make soft cheese, making sweet and sour cabbage, a crashed hive, watching web video on your HDTV, using appleTV on our TV & the art of highway rest areas
links to things we talk about in the show:
how to make cheese video
sweet and sour cabbage recipe video
photo by alvimann
Mike is right. I've heard thundersnow more this year than I ever remember.
Oh, Bikes. You guys hit on a topic that I love. I have a 1975 schwinn breeze that is slightly too small for me. You'd be suprised at how much old schwinn's go for. Mine was a yard sale find that I got for $25.
Mike A.K.A "Mr. Potty mouth!" Leave Eric alone. A little extra chocolate or nuts never hurt anything expecially when you're baking chocolate chip cookies, pancakes, or cake! Yummy!