GardenFork became a fan of the Tiny House Blog on Facebook today, and at the same time signed up for their email newsletter.
get this free directory
As a bonus, when you sign up for their email newsletter, you get a neat downloadable PDF, the Tiny House Directory, an indexed list of websites, blogs, architects, builders, and kits of all sorts of tiny houses. Tiny houses include boats, yurts, wagons, trailers, tipis, straw bale houses, log cabins, prefabs. Neat.
I like that a bunch of links have been indexed and are all there on a few pages, so you don't have to use a search engine to find stuff; Tiny House Blog has done all the work for you.
Andrew Odom, author of the Tiny rEvolution blog and a contributor to Tiny House Blog, got me interested in the Tiny House movement. He has a new post on hanging windows in your tiny house.
Not all of us will be living in tiny houses, but even if you are not downsizing, you can get great ideas of how to live with less stuff, and lessen your impact on the earth with the info on the Tiny House Blog and Tiny rEvolution.
You can sign up for our email newsletter right here:
How are you downsizing? Are you moving to a tiny house? Let us know below:
Kent has done an awesome job with The Tiny House Blog. He was the one that got me interested in tiny houses. With a little thinking outside the box, living in a tiny house can be alot more comfortable and enjoyable than many might realize.