Call us: 860-740-6938 ! Thanksgiving takes over a large part of this week's show, brining, sides, and Mike has an opinion on all of this, Eric finds the Tartine Bread book and video to be excellent, preparing for winter, plus viewer mail and listener call in line calls. Chad Robertson's new bread book, Tartine Bread is His restaurant is Tartine Bakery, Watch the video about their new book, Tartine Bread, here
Brine Recipe:

Mike and Eric
Steve Howard
Hey Eric -
Just a thought, but....
You can solve the squeeky chair and the background sound issues with a dynamic microphone. Condenser mics pick up too much sound as you have discovered. Switching to a dynamic mic solves a lot of issues like that.
Great show! I hope both of you get to feeling better soon.
You asked for Thanksgiving menus - here is ours
Smoked turkey and smoked ham
Creamed spinach casserole topped with crushed Cheez-it crackers
Dressing of course
Sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows
Concerning Brussel's Sprouts - my wife prepares them by splitting them, drizzling on some olive oil and kosher salt and broiling them until the edges get a dark and crispy. Our kids eat them before they make it to the table. They are outstanding.
Keep up the great work!
Speaking of fighting off colds, this showed up on LifeHacker just today -
Dear Mike, thanks for the pic ; Why does Eric look so disgusted, is it because of his cold. Just wondering, have you two been friends for a long time? Cheryl in VA
Hey guys! Jim and I deep fry a turkey for Thanksgiving. One year I was going to roast the brussell sprouts on the grill but realized too late that we were out of propane. So, after frying the turkey, I tossed in the brussell sprouts. They were amazing. My entire family ate them before they hit the table. The were crunch, salty, creamy little green nuggets!
My stepmom makes a mushroom stuffing. Two versions, a regular and a vegetarian for my sister. Jim makes a "white trash" stuffing made from White Castle hamburgers, carrots, celery, a bunch of sage. It's surprisingly good.
For a Holiday Gift Idea, I like
Like, I like the entire website!
Bruce Berg
Enjoyed the show! My cold preventer tip: Something I always do when coming home from anywhere in public is FIRST wash my hands. That helps keep germs off anything in the house. Also, wipe off cell phones regularly since you're touching them often.
We do the traditional Thanksgiving meal. One big side dish that I have to have is wild rice. My Aunt would always bring down locally harvested wild rice from Duluth, MN. for Thanksgiving. I love it and it always brings back warm memories of her. Wild rice mixed with stuffing, turkey and gravy makes a great casserole too.
Winter storm watch this weekend for north of Eau Claire. Steel cut oats season is here. 🙂
Yes the 7 Mile fair still is open..Here is the link-
Joe Ledington
Here is a good analog calendar that I use.